"Christ in Majesty"
12th century (Romanesque)
Current location
Originally in situ at Sant Climent de Taull presently at the National Museum of Catalonian Art, Barcelona
A mandorla, also commonly referred to as an aureole or a vesica pisces, is the oval or almond shape surrounding or encasing the holy figure(s), i.e. most commonly Christ, the Virgin, or saints. The earliest Christian use of the mandorla is dated to around from the 5th century. In this particular "Christ in Majesty", or Majestas Domini, Iesous makes a gesture of blessing and declares "ego sum lux mundi", or "I am the light of the world" (Iohannes VIII: XII). Jesus is portrayed in both realms of humanity and divinity, exhibited by his feet, gesturing hand, and halo that are extending out of the mandorla. He is both physically represented and figuratively represented, as shown on the book in Jesus' hand signifying that He is The Word.
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